Best Use
Mixed Use
Cadastral code / /
The site can be considered as one of the only vacant land plot in the surrounding area.
The land plot’s size, 12,431 sqm, and its dimensions create a perfect opportunity for large-scale mono or multi-functional development. The land plots could be sold as a whole, as well as individually.
The land plot is free of buildings and has mostly flat landscape. Therefore, the property is already in an appropriate condition for construction works.
The site has main access from Pirosmani Street. However, entering the subject site is also possible from Tbel Abuseridze Street.
From the rear side the property is bordered by a police station, whereas from the left the residential development, Intourist Residences, is located.
The carried out surrounding use analysis illustrated, that around 1.5 million sqm of real estate is to be found in the subject area. It has to be highlighted, that the surrounding area of the subject site is rather multi-functional, mainly consisting of residential, aparthotel, hotel and office uses. The biggest share, 57%, is assigned to residential function. Followed by aparthotel and hotel uses with 29% and 11%, respectively.
The available function mix underscores the touristic nature of the given area and is rather attractive for investment opportunities. Furthermore, the evident concentration of high-rise buildings in the subject area indicates that the demand on the real estate situated in the studied district is quite significant.